
NCS is poised to play a key role in helping the world reach net zero, with the potential to contribute ~20-30% of what is needed to stabilize the climate by 2030; however, there is still an outstanding question on how to fund NCS at scale – at the project level, sufficient catalytic capital is often hard to find, and at a global level, studies suggest that we need $400B/yr just to finance forestry pathways.

The NCS funding landscape varies significantly by country, and adopting a country-level view is required to understand opportunities and identify actionable insights; Bain and TNC partnered for 4-months to survey the NCS funding landscape in 10 focus countries to address the following focus areas:

  • Estimate of current NCS funding sources and challenges to achieving full potential
  • Opportunities to increase available NCS funding and funding effectiveness
  • Assessment of harmful economic activities (e.g., gov’t subsidies)
  • Identification of NCS funding implications, opportunities, & key priorities across focus countries

This study was conducted with Bain and CO.


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